Who Gets Credit for the Rescue of Captain Phillips?
By Ethel C. Fenig
Obama thinks it should be him.
President Barack Obama (D), as Commander in Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces, is taking credit for the successful rescue of ship captain Richard Phillips, basking in the glow of an absolutely outstanding performance and raw courage of the ship's captain Richard Phillips, the ship's crew and the U.S. Navy under his skilled direction.
However military correspondent Jeff Emanuel at Pajama Media claims the reality is quite different; the inexperienced Obama and his equally inexperienced staff and advisers, committed to a peaceful resolution, needlessly dragged out an incident that, thanks to Phillips' bravery, could have been successfully resolved in a few hours with minimal loss of life.
Instead, because of Obama's dithering, it turned into a drawn out, dangerous confrontation that, ironically, caused the death of three of the Somali pirates, and almost cost Phillips his life.
However, instead of taking direct, decisive action against the rag-tag group of gunmen, the Obama administration dilly-dallied, dawdled, and eschewed any decisiveness whatsoever, even in the face of enemy fire, in hopes that the situation would somehow resolve itself without violence. Thus, the administration sent a clear message to all who would threaten U.S. interests abroad that the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has no idea how to respond to such situations — and no real willingness to use military force to resolve them.
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