Sunday, April 12, 2009




UPDATE: Captain Reportedly Freed, 3 Pirates Dead and One Captured
By Thomas Lifson

Congratulations all around to the daring warriors who rescued Captain Richard Phillips and captured one of his captors alive.

I am delighted that President Obama's team did not endlessly equivocate. I credit them with bringing the incident to a close. If they needed time to position assets and plan, I am glad they waited. Update: Reports are that Captain Phillips jumped overboard again.

Fragmentary reports suggest sharpshooters may have opened fire allowing him the escape. It is still unclear if there was an actual rescue operation launched. However the rescue happened, it is wonderful. But who is responsible for taking the initiative? The victim or his rescuers and their bosses? Fox News

'Initial reports indicate Phillips jumped overboard for a second time and the military was able to take advantage of the situation.'

If this is true, at least we can be glad that the Navy was allowed to fire on the terrorists. But if so, it might be too much to credit the Obama administration with decisive action to end the standoff and teach the terrorists a lesson that would help diminish their activity.

On the other hand, if a rescue operation was undertaken, all the better, I remain concerned that the captured terrorist will be treated as a criminal defendant, with all the rights of discovery and other secret-busting apparatus that make criminal action inappropriate for terror groups.

I also suppose he will be provided a Koran, halaal meals, and (naturally) access to both left wing lawyers and Islamic clergy, whose conversations with him will be held beyond the reach of the good guys.




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