Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trust-Fund O-Baby

Trust-Fund O-Baby
By Cheri Jacobus

U.S. presidents traveling abroad are generally mindful they are standing on the shoulders of forefathers who built the greatest nation on Earth on the principles of freedom, hard work, accountability, capitalism and belief in the potential of the individual. They understand their calling to live up to the excellence of the legacy entrusted to them.

But like a spoiled trust-fund baby putting on airs, and with little understanding of his predecessors’ contributions, success, genius and courage, which built what warrants this respect reserved for greatness, Barack Obama makes his first foray into serious international affairs at the G-20 summit in London this week representing a nation lessened by his promised “change” that is destroying the legacy of those who built the business of America.

Our forefathers believed America’s enterprise is business, commerce and the creation of wealth and opportunity, rather than the source of cash for government programs and bailing out failures.

They built our strength, which empowers us to protect ourselves and those around the globe who need our help.

From the Obama power grab at General Motors to the politically correct neutering of accurate labeling of murderous terrorists that can result in lulling us into a pre-Sept. 11 sense of faux security, topped by military spending shortfalls in the Obama budget, the United States is weakened daily. Obama’s commitment to punish success with draconian confiscatory taxation underscores the need for our leaders to have a clearer understanding of where taxes come from before being in a position to determine how they are spent.

Obama’s disturbing “never let a crisis go to waste” philosophy facilitates an agenda not to ensure the greatness of the U.S. — our wealth, freedom and ability to help others around the world, therefore earning their respect and gratitude every day. No — Obama’s agenda is to exploit an economic crisis and create further chaos as a diversion so he can employ a leftist agenda to remake America. Naively, Obama assumes he will endlessly reap the benefits of our forefathers’ grit, guts and genius while making no effort to expand or emulate those qualities. In Obama’s world, Daddy’s trust fund is a limitless credit card on which to party.

Obama’s traveling entourage to the London G-20 summit is sizable enough, befitting a U.S. president. But like the nation he serves, his travel staff is diminished from that of previous presidents. Somehow it seems fitting. He is systematically diminishing our greatness, our superpower status, our ability to aid other countries and serve as a crowning jewel of freedom, democracy, capitalism and strength. This weakness has created a vacancy in global leadership, and the world leaders meeting with Obama understand this perfectly. Obama exhibits the self-assuredness of past U.S. presidents, but the clout may be fading.

It’s long been said that when America sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold.

Thanks to Barack Obama, soon when America sneezes, we may be lucky if the rest of the world so much as offers us a hanky.

Jacobus, president of Capitol Strategies PR, has managed congressional campaigns, worked on Capitol Hill and is an adjunct professor at George Washington University’s Graduate School of Political Management. She appears on CNN, MSNBC and FOX News as a GOP strategist.


Blogger CHOMP said...

There were three thoughts that stood out in this article, three truths: Obamy is systematically reducing our greatness; he has shown weakness to the global community; our clout is fading.

I don't want to think about what comes next in this deliberate "downsizing."

April 5, 2009 at 9:22 PM  
Blogger FairWitness said...

Doesn't this just piss you off? It sure does me.

April 6, 2009 at 9:56 AM  
Blogger FairWitness said...

Hey Anonymous Asshole, Donal posted a link to the original article. How about commenting on the article's content?

April 6, 2009 at 11:37 AM  
Blogger DONAL said...

It's alright, folks--I don't even read Les's 'Anonymous' posts--I just erase 'em.

(Friends using 'anon', please sign your names or initials after your posts.)

April 6, 2009 at 7:06 PM  
Blogger DONAL said...

Fairest Witness, if Lester Sippy Cup is just nattering on about his usual crap, it's just his usual dodge to the issues. He can't answer them or form an argument, back up anything he says--or pretend he's smart.

He's justa little kid who's..... dropped his sippy cup!

April 6, 2009 at 7:10 PM  
Anonymous bobcat said...

Les doesn't like the whole articles put in because he doesn't like the whole truth about NoNuts Bananas to get out. I'll bet you a million dollars, if you put up an article that was positive about Cow Tow, Les wouldn't utter a peep.

April 6, 2009 at 7:50 PM  
Blogger FairWitness said...

Donal, I realize Les is immature, regardless of his true age. I mean really, what the hell does he want? In NO way did you present this article as yours, you linked it to the original, gave the author's name, webpage, URL, everything. His argument isn't valid. His comments were for the purpose of inflicting distress, causing pain and demeaning. I don't like it when my friends are attacked. He's a total POS!

April 7, 2009 at 5:25 AM  
Blogger DONAL said...

I appreciate that, Fairest Witness. Les responds most virulently to what is MOST truthful. He just can't stand it when the man and party he backs is proving to be so ruinous to this country. I guess he thought we wouldn't notice.

WE know what our patriots built. WE know the morals and character behind it--and we'll have our George Washington again, one day, to ride out of the shadows and into the light. What do they have? Nothing except blood money--and all the blood on their hands.

April 7, 2009 at 11:57 AM  

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