Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Psychopathology of Bush Hatred

The Psychopathology of Bush Hatred
By James Lewis

The Bush hatred we are seeing in the media today belongs in the long catalogue of human psychopathology -- not rational behavior. The latest version is the shoe-throwing incident in Iraq. Iraq happens to be a hot war zone, in which tens of thousands of innocent people have been killed by hidden bombs. Bush's protective detail had no way of knowing whether an assassinaton attempt was under way, in just the way Saddam tried to assassinate George H.W. Bush, Sr. At the end of his two terms of office, the President flew to Iraq, into harm's way, knowing the dangers, to hold an open press conference.

But our media harbor such bitter hatred for him that they turned a potential bomb-throwing incident --- by one of their own --- into a joke, just another reason to sneer at the President. If anybody threw a cream pie at Obama, screaming headlines would be launched for days afterward. Nothing but sneers followed the potential attack on George W. Bush, which he fended off with his usual grace and humor. I have never known a US president to be treated as disgracefully as this one. The political case against him is based almost entirely on media falsehoods, slanders, and greed for power. Not much rationality there.



I agree with some of this, but I think this has many different roots, and it began long before Obama appeared on the scene. The spoiled selfishness and immaturity of the Left being a huge cause. They've always wanted to hate 'The Man' and GWB was/is their embodiment of it, this time.

Hate, hate, hate is the emotion that fuels the Left--common sense or kindness or tolerance, balance, fairness or anything humane--simply cannot do it for them; they can't make those emotions work for them. (Read about the role of a Community Organizer and you'll have a perfect blueprint of the entire Left and their crass, 'look at me!', 'only we count!' methods.)

Thus, they always need someone or something to hate--and they always will. Just as a 3 year-old always has something about which to tantrum, the Left will always have a hatred waiting--and a shoe to be thrown--as the spittle of their viciousness flies out their mouths.

It's becoming such a trademark of theirs, the target hardly matters.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great comments, Donal - and all too true.

December 30, 2008 at 1:01 PM  
Blogger FairWitness said...

You know I have felt this way for President Bush's entire two terms. The whole negative strategy against him was a complete conspiracy, perpetrated against him and the American people for pure animus. And here's the truth:

They don't hate the President, they hate every Conservative. They don't like having to perform and produce. They'd rather take the fruits of our labor and throw shit back at us while they taking it.

They're a bunch of ineffectual losers who can't cut it. They are miserable failures. Why so many productive Americans have fallen under their putrid spell is mind-boggling to me.

December 30, 2008 at 3:30 PM  
Blogger DONAL said...

They want to remain kids, FW--always taken care of and dependent. They think someone else owes them a living. What they owe America has never even crossed their selfish little minds'.

December 30, 2008 at 8:27 PM  
Blogger DONAL said...

Thank you, Bob! Hope I see you here tomorrow when I get back from doc's.

December 30, 2008 at 8:29 PM  
Blogger FairWitness said...

Les, you poor, pathetic creature. You don't recognize righteous indignation when you read it.

We don't hate, we're pissed off. There's a monumental difference.

Seek professional help, please.

December 31, 2008 at 9:14 AM  
Blogger DONAL said...

Les means 'less-than-nothing'--he's as big a zero as Bammiekins....

December 31, 2008 at 11:49 PM  

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