Friday, September 5, 2008

Why Liberals Hate and Fear Conservative Women

Why Liberals Hate and Fear Conservative Women
By John Hawkins

Since Sarah Palin exploded onto the national scene a week ago, the American Left, including Obama's press team AKA the mainstream media, has engaged in a bizarre orgy of sexism, misogyny, and grotesque attacks on her family.


Is the sort of treatment Palin has received a surprise? Regrettably, not to anyone who has been paying attention to how liberals attack women on the Right. Let me tell you what happens if you are a conservative woman who catches the attention of the American Left.

You are going to have liberals openly discuss
gang raping you. You'll be photoshopped with a fishhook in your mouth while liberals publicly call you the worst, most obscene things you can imagine.

You will be photoshopped into pornography, you will receive death and rape threats, you'll get strange stalkerish emails, you'll receive demeaning, sexualized hate mail, and if they can find out where you live and where your children go to school, the info will start showing up on left wing blogs, comment sections, and forums before you can say, "We know where you live, lady."

These sort of attacks are not unusual or out of the ordinary; to the contrary, they are standard operating procedure on the Left when they go after strong, conservative women.

But, what about the liberal feminist blogs? Don't they stick up for the conservative women? Oh, sure they do -- just like they stuck up for Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey.

To the contrary, the thing I have heard again and again from female bloggers is that the "feminist" blogs at best, turn a blind eye to the most grotesque smears aimed at conservative women and at worst, are leading the pack.



Blogger CHOMP said...

The way that the Dems bulldog-attack the opposition and the opposition's families says a lot about themselves! It shows their mean, loser mentality. If they hate and fear a strong, Conservative woman, they better get over it!

September 5, 2008 at 8:43 PM  
Blogger The Merry Widow said...

Hey, Chomp!
The vitriol being expressed by the leftistas show how terrified they are of an "ordinary", American woman...we need to stand up, smack some bottoms and send them off for a much needed nap!
leftistas, the lamestreammedia and the dhimmicrats LOVE to sit in the cesspool and play with feces...NOT, what I would call mature behavior.
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


September 6, 2008 at 6:49 AM  
Blogger FairWitness said...

When I lived in Texas, Kay Bailey Hutchinson ran for the Senate seat vacated by Lloyd Bentsen when he took the post of Secretary of the Treasury in the Clinton Administration. I comtributed to her campaign and volunteered as a campaign worker after Gloria Steinem came down to campaign for her opponent. Gloria Steinem was the most vicious bitch on wheels I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing. She referred to laudable Mrs. Hutchinson as a "female impersonator." I wanted to beat the crap out of that bitch. I did the next best thing; helped Kay Bailey Hutchinson win that Senate seat --- AND SHE DID.

Ladies, as John McCain pleaded us to on Thursday night, we need to STAND UP, STAND UP, STAND UP & FIGHT. We must defend Sarah Palin, she's one of us and we need to stand up and defend her. She must make history and become the first woman to serve as United States Vice President. We must defeat the despicable leftists who are treating her so disrespectfully.

Let us all STAND UP!

September 6, 2008 at 7:59 AM  
Blogger The Merry Widow said...

FW-Let's not vote for her because she is a woman, but because she is the right person.
My late uncle knew Kay Bailey Hutchison, he headed the repubian committee where he lived and highly recommended her, another case of the right person in the right place at the right time.
Frankly, the left is terrified of her, and rightly so.
The leftistas are showing their true colors and agendas, stand up for the right person, and fight, but this is not (properly) a "feminist" issue, but a country survival one.
Let the leftistas unloose the unfeminine "females", let's show the class and intelligence and stick-to-itiveness of REAL women.
Let the lamestreammedia and the feminazis play in the sewer, let us take the high ground. And volley truth and facts down upon their stubborn and silly heads.
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


September 7, 2008 at 3:33 AM  
Blogger FairWitness said...

That's a great point, TMW! And an extremely valid one, too. If we were going to support a woman for her sex, we'd all have supported Hillary Clinton. I meant to say I support Governor Palin because she espouses the ideals I believe in. When I said that she's one of us, I meant she's a fellow Conservative woman we need to get behind, support and defend. Thanks again for expounding on how to support the right candidate, TMW. I couldn't agree more!

God Bless you too, Pat

September 7, 2008 at 7:31 AM  
Blogger The Merry Widow said...

FW-The only reason G*D called Deborah, was because a man sat down.
We haven't had enough "men" stand up, so, HE's calling the "Deborahs"...and Gov. Palin heard.


September 7, 2008 at 11:46 AM  
Blogger FairWitness said...

Right, TMW. Pat

September 7, 2008 at 12:01 PM  

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