Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Obama Versus Palin - And The Winner Is ...

Obama Versus Palin - And The Winner Is...
By Herb Denenberg

The Obama campaign, trying to sell the most inexperienced and unqualified presidential candidate of a major party in history, is pointing to the inexperience of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska. That's the definition of chutzpah.

This column will show that Mrs. Palin has a record of courage, bi-partisanship, reform, change and accomplishment unmatched by perhaps any other governor in the United States. In contrast, Sen. Barack Obama gives speeches, but has accomplished virtually nothing, has displayed no evidence of bi-partisanship, and has talked reform and change, but has been nothing more than a purveyor of pompous platitudes, and is deep in the quagmire of the old style, corrupt politics of Chicago's Cook County machines.

He came out of the Chicago political machine, one of the sleaziest in the U.S., and has always gone along with that machine, never raising even a finger to bring about proposed reforms. He goes along with corrupt political machines and a bigoted anti-American reverend for many years, as if all was right and rosy.

This column will show that even the Republican nominee for vice president is far more qualified to be president than the Democratic nominee for president.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great article. He knows whereof he speaks...

September 3, 2008 at 6:24 PM  
Blogger CHOMP said...

I just saw the Republican speeches by Huckabee, Guiliani, lady mayor from Maui, and Govenor Palin. I agreed with so many of their points.

Adding Govenor Palin to the ticket has piqued my interest in this election. Can't wait for more!

September 3, 2008 at 9:12 PM  

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