Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Obama's End Run around Congress

Obama's End Run around Congress
By Ned Barnett

Candidate Barack Obama promised "change we can believe in," but he never hinted that this change would all but circumvent Congress to impose on America the most dramatic liberal social transformation since the New Deal. While promising to lead, he did not suggest that he would create a kind of "imperial presidency" that would horrify the Founding Fathers.

Based on their own direct experience with a sovereign, they were rightly concerned with any one man having too much power. This is the kind of power that Obama is now reaching for, following the same kind of "stealth strategy" that helped get him elected.

During the Presidential campaign, then-Senator Obama executed a series of extraordinarily successful "stealth strategies," enabling him to secure the support of key core groups without alienating the larger public. (snip)

However, none of these stealth strategies holds a candle to President-Elect Obama's most brilliant stealth strategy for implementing "change." This involves not just a change in laws, but a change in the way laws are made and passed. This "change" is as simple as it is revolutionary: capitalizing on the economic crisis, Obama has challenged Congress to enact his near-trillion-dollar package of social changes -- disguised as a comprehensive stimulus/jobs bill -- and to have that legislation waiting to be signed immediately after his January 20th inaugural.

In the name of stopping the economy's free-fall, through a traditionally-liberal massive infusion of jobs, President-Elect Obama is also adroitly side-stepping Congress's time-honored system of passing legislation. By the simple ruse of imposing a tight schedule for Congress, Obama will -- in effect -- put virtually all of the government's power into his own hands. This is an end-run around Congress's deliberative process -- one that makes FDR's vaunted and unprecedented "100 days" strategy look like a leisurely process. This is also an end-run around the American people, ensuring that citizen-opponents have no voice, and no role, in shaping this legislation.



The Democrats will come to rue the day they put this man in charge of the world... he is becoming exactly what we said he was--and what HE said he was. The silly Democrats thought he would only take away the GOP's rights! They looked to him to be their ultimate revenge machine; they forgot that laws and legislations do not discriminate--not like they want to.


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