Monday, August 18, 2008

DNC Convention 'Credentials' Feature Upside-Down Flag

DNC Convention Credentials Feature Upside-Down Flag
By Rusty Weiss

Having seen photo propaganda used in the media to benefit Barack Obama, one has to wonder if it will be equally important to circulate a picture that may not show the 'savior' in a particularly good light. As such, a ticket design for the Democratic National Convention has been accompanied by a bit of controversy.

credential appears to show an upside-down American flag on both sides. What's worse, the front makes it appear as if Obama is cloaked in the flag, as the stars are almost visually equivalent to his shirt. In fact, Matt Chandler speaking on behalf of the Obama campaign states:

" is a stylized flag designed to blend the stars on Senator Obama's shirt with the flag blowing in the wind." The first question that arises is why would a man who once refused to wear the American flag on his lapel, be interested in sporting a patriotic shirt, overflowing with stars?


The upside-down flag is a signal of distress. However, the Lefties/Libbies/Democrat Party members/anarchists/radicals etc. use it to protest George W. Bush's presidency, exhibit their disrespect for America, and convey the secret message that they are going to tear down America and build it back up in the image they want: heavily socialist/communist, and outlawing the Republican party altogether. They desperately want the deck stacked in their favor, for all time.

Note, too, that these aren't simply tickets to an event. Lefties feel they up their pedigree by calling them 'credentials'. One of the obscure meanings of 'credentials' is 'something that indicates a person is entitled to credit or has a right to exercise official power'. That is no coincidence either; they mean every word of it.

Look at the pictoral: Obama looks like he's drowning in the flag... (would that he was steeped in that much true patriotism!) This is just another sound-bite/photo-op-hype for him; it matches his shirt. The flag is not supposed to be used in this manner--and it may be turned upside-down only in cases of physical emergency, accident, or when needing rescue. Don't be fooled by the Left's fluttery, vague excuses when they are called on this. Turning the flag upside-down is very deliberate--it implies much more than can be seen on the surface--none of it good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

He obviously has never been in the military; he has no idea of proper protocol (imagine him as CIC!)

When I think of this child representing America... what an absolute disgrace.

August 19, 2008 at 10:13 AM  

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