Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Fake ebay Listing Selling Palin's Baby Trig as 'Political Prop'

Outrageous: Fake ebay Listing Selling Palin's Baby Trig as 'Political Prop'
By Warner Todd Huston

This one was all over the net yesterday. Apparently, a poster at the radical nutroot site, Democratic Underground, created a fake listing for someone pretending to sell baby Trig on ebay. The faux listing read "Baby used prop newborn boy 3-6 months special needs," and included a description that called Governor Palin a "pushy social climber, unwilling to let pregnancy and children stand in the way of ambition." It also listed baby's Trig's father as "unknown."

Originally appearing at the Democratic Underground at around 1PM on September 4, by DU poster Bob Weaver, the thread was soon locked by DU moderators and the image scrubbed from the site. But not before a screen shot was taken...



The posters at Democrat Underground are just as low-class and tasteless as we knew they were. They easily jettison any small scrap of decency they might've had.
Exploit a baby? They don't care, they'll do anything--hurt anyone--IF they think it will put them ahead.

"Pushy social climber"? So much for championing women's rights, being enlightened, and promoting change. The kind of 'change' this description implies you can find around 1955!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The left has no conscience. Like the muslims, they can lie about anything in order to gain the power, position, and money they want.

September 9, 2008 at 4:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Donal, congrats on your new blog! I'm kind of a busy guy these days. Taking care of Maison J'Mac is turning into a full time job. Something Governor Palin knows all about I'm sure. The libs are in a panic and attacks like this only show their desparation. Its pathetic. Johnnymac.

September 9, 2008 at 5:06 PM  

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