Tuesday, August 26, 2008

MUST WATCH: Do You Know Enough About Barack Obama?

The Biggest Goof Yet
By Jennifer Rubin

The conservative blogosphere is agog: what was Barack Obama thinking? He took a story largely confined to the internet, (only briefly raised in the primary) about Obama’s connection to former terrorist Bill Ayers, put it in his own ad, and then filed a claim trying to force the third-party 527 ad that first brought up the Obama-Ayers connection off the air.

In the next 24 hours thousands if not millions of voters who never heard of or didn’t understand the extent of the Obama-Ayers relationship are going to get a full education:

That Justice Department complaint is a stunt reeking of abject panic. Really, isn’t this just unlimited free publicity for the McCain accusations? In the Right blogosphere there is a mix of amazement and delight. And in case you thought the McCain camp wasn’t thrilled by this turn of events, read what Steve Schmidt has to say about it.

It is very hard to figure out the reasoning behind the Obama effort. Perhaps there is a deadly poll or maybe they think they can so skew the coverage as to insulate himself. But for now, it is just plain baffling.

POOR SPORT, OBAMA... now he wants to prosecute the group that did this ad. He does that instead of answering the questions we legitimately have about him.


Blogger FairWitness said...

Poor Obama has worked so hard to keep his association with Ayers under wraps. How dare free Americans dig up public information to refute his lies. This is going to be interesting.

August 27, 2008 at 4:47 AM  
Blogger The Merry Widow said...

That's the problem with free Americans, FW, which is why the dhimmicrats are trying to take away the "free" part.
How dare we look for and expect the Truth!


August 27, 2008 at 3:24 PM  
Blogger Always On Watch said...

So much for Obama's protection of free speech. If he's elected to the Oval Office, free speech will be undermined even more than by a civil suit.

August 27, 2008 at 7:09 PM  
Blogger DONAL said...


Yes, ol' Bammie is a disaster waiting to happen. ometimes I think even he does not know who has hold of his strings.

August 28, 2008 at 4:48 AM  

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